...just 4 km away from Boží Dar

In Boží Dar and its immediate vicinity you can try out some special sports: snowshoe walks, snowkiting as well as a ride on a summer bobsleigh track. You can find it in the nearby German town Oberwiesenthal, next to the local ski resort and tennis hall.

The description of the bobsleigh track in Oberwiesenthal as a „summer“ track seems to be a little bit misleading. If the weather is fair, our visitors can ride it from the spring till the autumn.

Opening hours:

Opening hours depend on the weather. If the track is wet, rides are cancelled.

Daily 10:00 – 18:00
Bobsleigh by night: Saturday 20:00 – 21:00

Rides Adults Kids Groups
1 3 € 2 € 1,5 €
2 5 € 3,5 €  
3 7 € 5 €  
5 10 € 7 €  

Children up to the age of 8 accompanied by an adult are free of charge.

The bobsleigh track belongs to the nearby chalet Prijut*12, that offers a large selection of drinks and meals. Besides, for every 10 € you spend in Prijut*12 or in the chalet Waldeck you get 1 free ride on the bobsleigh track. In Prijut*12 live music evenings and other social gatherings take place, too.

For more information.