Ryžovna used to be an ordinary village in the Ore Mountains which was founded because of mining of mineral resources and panning cassiterite (panning - “ryžovat”) – there comes its name. Until the expulsion of Germans after the World War II, a few hundreds of people lived here. However after the expulsion, the village almost disappeared. These days, there are only a few permanently inhabited houses together with a pension and a bio cheese manufacture. More about Ryžovna »
Memorial of the Church
The Church of St. Wenceslas was built in Ryžovna at the beginning of 19th century. For locals, it was a big relief especially in winter, as it often cost them a lot of strength to fight their way through the snow drifts to get to the church in Boží Dar. The church was built in a mere two years. It was a simple construction in Josephine style.
The decaying church was demolished in the late sixties of the 20th century. Today there is a memorial cross on its original place, a miniature of the church and memorial with a plaque, which was ceremonially consecrated on the occasion of the first St. Wenceslas meeting in Ryžovna. St. Wenceslas meeting in Ryžovna repeats every year on the occasion of St. Wenceslas saint day, patron of the defunct church.