The fact that Baby Jesus lives in Boží Dar and deals with his mail here might not be known by many children and their parents. The best part is that children need not wait for Christmas and can "meet" Baby Jesus at several locations throughout the year. They can walk in the footsteps of Baby Jesus. After completing the Baby Jesus Trail, they will receive small gifts. During the year, they can also leave their wishes in Baby Jesus Post Office.
Jesus Trail (Ježíškova cesta)
Baby Jesus trail is full of fun and challenges for young and older children who can choose whether to walk the whole (12.9 km) or short round trail (5.6 km). During the journey, they fulfil various tasks and write them in a notebook, which have previously purchased in the tourist office in Boží Dar. The Baby Jesus memo book costs 50, - Kč and all received funds are used entirely for repairing, cleaning and maintenance of the trail and the purchase of a small gift for the visitors. Thank you for your understanding and we are looking forward to your visit. At the end, the children submit a completed notebook in the tourist office and receive the Baby Jesus stamp and a little reward.
You need a pencil to write into the notebook.
Baby Jesus Trail can be done by walking also with a baby pram, on a bike, or cross-country skiing in winter. You can also take your dog with you.
Notice: VIn the winter season, the cross-country trails are groomed. We ask skiers and visitors of the Baby Jesus trail for mutual tolerance! Thank you for your understanding.