Boží Dar Peat Bog nature trail leads through a part of National nature preserve Boží Dar Peat Bogs, which was, according to the Ramsar Convention, declared an internationally significant wetland.
3.2 km long trail starts at the beginning of the Krušnohorská magistrála (the Ore Mountains Main Cross-Country Skiing Route) where visitors can find the first information board. Most of the trail runs along the plank sidewalks which ensure the safety of both the tourists, as well as the peat bogs and rare species of animals and plants which are located in it.

There are 12 information boards along the trail, where visitors can read about the environment and the specific characteristics of peat bogs, the history of the peat extraction in the Ore Mountains, etc.
Stops on the nature trail of Boží Dar Peat Bogs:
- Boží Dar
- Mountain meadows
- Geology and natural conditions
- Tin panning
- Dwarf birch
- Extraction of peat
- Animals
- Plants
- Peat bog profile
- Mountain pine
- Forest vegetation
- Where to go next?
At the last stop of the Boží Dar Peat Bogs Nature Trail you can join another popular trail - the nature trail Blatenský příkop (Blatná Water Ditch).