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Zámek Klášterec nad Ohří

Visitors can choose from three guided tours:

I. tour
Porcelain Tour – presents a large porcelain collection in 21 rooms and shows more than 200 years of the porcelain manufacturing in Bohemia

II. tour
Fairyland – a children´s tour to the Fairyland and a puppets exhibition

III. tour
Imposing Circle – permanent exhibition on gemstones, iron ore mining and processing in the Ore Mountains

Tours are held every hour.


Tour I. Porcelain Tour
Full admission - 110,- Kč
Reduced admission - 70,- Kč
Children up to 6 years - 1,- Kč
Foreign language commentary - 150,- Kč
Children under 15, travel agencies - 100,- Kč
(guided tours in German and English, in Russian commentary copies are available)

Tour II. Fairyland
Full admission - 60,- Kč
Reduced admission - 40,- Kč
Children under 2 years – free of charge

Tour III. Imposing Circle
Full admission - 60,- Kč
Reduced admission - 40,- Kč
Children under 6 years - 1,- Kč

Opening hours:

The chateau is open year round !!!

Month Monday - Friday weekends open holidays open
April - September 9.00 -17.00 yes yes

The last guided tour begins allways 1 hour before closing time

Month Monday - Friday weekends open holidays open
October - March 9.00 -15.00 yes no

Outside the opening hours, tours can be organized for groups of visitors. Booking in advance necessary!!


Chateau Klášterec nad Ohří
Chomutovská 1
431 51 Klášterec nad Ohří
Česká republika [CZ]

More information on or phone: 474 375 436

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