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Geologické zajímavosti

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Secrets of the Interior of the Earth

The Czech-Bavarian Geopark is a demonstration territory with signs of hundreds of millions of years of geological processes along a major structure, the so-called Eger Rift. This Rift valley is geologically most active area of the Bohemian Massif. Although the most powerful geological manifestations in it stopped five million years ago, still existing tectonics, volcanism, high heat flow, springs of thermal waters and seismic activity continue to attract the attention of both amateurs and specialists. Geological units lining the Rift hold the marks of the over 600 million-years-old history of the Earth and its extraordinary mineral wealth. All these processes formed the face of today's landscape that is our home. Let us learn to understand it!

The cross-border Geopark belongs to geologically unique regions in the Europe and worldwide. In Karlovy Vary and Pilsen Regions and four Bavarian districts (Neustadt / Waldnaab, Tirschenreuth, Bayreuth and Wunsiedel), the geological structure is an important factor of economic and cultural development of human society.

The Czech-Bavarian Geopark consists of three National Geoparks - on the Czech side there are the National Geopark Egeria and GeoLoci, on the Bavarian side it is the National Geopark Bayern-Böhmen.

National and European Geoparks

Almost 100 geoparks take care of the preservation, development and visibility of unique geological regions in Europe. Many of them are interconnected in a network of national geoparks at the state level and in the European Geoparks Network at the continental level. Groups of experts decide about the inclusion into these networks. All three parts of the Czech-Bavarian Geopark are in their countries recognized as National Geoparks. Together they form one of the few cross-border Geoparks in Europe and worldwide. Geoparks support sustainable development of their regions, the development of tourism and environmental education and promote their regions on an international level.

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