Most of the villages around Boží Dar both on the Czech and German side was founded for the purpose of mining mineral resources. The former mining is reminded today by abandoned mines and several museums. The Ore Mountains, however, had and still have many other advantages. The beauty of local landscape and the atmosphere of picturesque villages has inspired many artists. Come with us to discover it...
Klínovec je se svými 1244 metry nejvyšší horou Krušných hor. Je častým turistickým cílem v zimní i letní sezóně. Kromě perfektního výhledu do okolí nabízí výborné sportovní vyžití lyžařům, pěším turistům, cyklistům...
The highest German spa town offers sports facilities, a museum, supermarkets and shops, a lookout tower, a craft workshop, and other attractions and activities...
Ryžovna is the ideal destination for an afternoon trip. It lies on the popular nature trail Blatná Water Ditch and is an ideal stop for a rest, a good lunch and learning a bit about the history of the village...
The spa town Jáchymov is ideal for day trips. There are interesting monuments, a museum and natural attractions. Many various cultural events often take place here. There are also shops...
Horní Blatná is unique primarily for its architecture. A trip to Horní Blatná can be joined with the visit of three nature trails. You can start on the Boží Dar peat bog, then continue along the Blatná water ditch and finish...
Rittersgrün may be an interesting trip destination thanks to the network of hiking and cross-country skiing trails in the surrounding area and attractions in the village and its surroundings...
If you make a trip to the German village of Breitenbrunn, you will certainly learn something interesting from the Ore Mountains mining history. There is a net of touristic trails in the suroundings of Breitenbrunn...
Potůčky is a small border village which attracts tourists not only to winter sports and hiking all year round, but especially to convenient shopping at its huge market. Thanks to the border crossing...
Ostrov offers all services from supermarkets and shops, through cinema, theatre, restaurants, bars to indoor and outdoor swimming pools, playground, tennis courts, mini golf, etc. You can also visit...