Boží Dar is one of the few places in the Czech Republic where you can enjoy skiing even in the times when elsewhere is skiing just a dream. Boží Dar is a popular destination of tourists coming for sport and pleasant walks in beautiful countryside. Not only the lovers of traditional winter sports and yearlong hiking, but also the lovers of modern and adrenalin sports will have a field day here...
Whether Boží Dar is a part of Bohemia or a part of Saxony had long been a matter of disputes. Their escalation however came in the time when the surrounding of Boží Dar proved to be a significant deposit of iron ores and suitable place for peat bog extraction. Hard to believe now that 2000 people used to live there…
In Boží Dar, two prominent artists used to live and work. The Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis and the German song writer and poet, Boží Dar native, Anton Günther…
For visitors of Boží Dar, there are reserved parking spaces marked on the signboards that are placed upon arrival to the town as follows...
Contacts for mountain rescue service, fire department, municipal police, information about the ATM, petrol station...
Current weather forecast for Boží Dar to the ten days ahead...