Blatná Water Ditch is a unique technical cultural monument. This unique water work brought the necessary water supply to the mines and later to the industrial plants. Along the ditch, about 12 km long, there is a nature trail with 23 stops:
- Rotunda
- Sejpy
- Blatná Water Ditch
- Culvert
- Crossing paths
- Dwarf pine
- The aqueduct
- Myslivny
- Palisade
- Jáchymovská road
- Secluded object
- Crossing with the road
- Rýžovna
- Crossing with the road
- Secluded object
- Gnarl (Suk)
- Secluded object
- Small rock
- Crosssing Bludná
- Culverts
- Crossroad
- Ski slope
- End
The construction of Blatná ditch began in 1540 and it lasted 4 years. The water supplied to the mountains from the catchment area of the river Černá and from the Boží Dar Peat bog was a necessary source of energy for the widely developing mines in the Ore Mountains, which increased in number after the completion of the ditch.
Blatná Water Ditch was proclaimed the technical cultural monument in 1980. In the years 1995-2001 it went through a total restoration. The nature trail was built along the ditch, which starts about 1.5 km past Boží Dar and ends near the town of Horní Blatná.